DOC Territory> An Overview
Colli Albani D.O.C.

The volcanic area where the “Colli Albani” wine is produced, has a climate influenced by the volcanic lake near Castel Gandolfo and Albano.
The volcanic soil is very rich in a loose rock, the outcrop, that brought to the surface through mechanical means of adequate power, breaks up in a very short time creating a soil particularly suitable to cultivate vineyards. While in the past the vines were planted in dug hole and therefore their spread was very limited. After the second world war their diffusion was increased.

The production territory of the Colli Albani consists of the towns of Albano and Ariccia, part of the districts of Rome, Pomezia, Castel Gandolfo, and Lanuvio. Along the “Nettunense” the Colli Albani’s towns cover a wide area reaching the via Ardeatina, and in some places further down this road.

The basic vineyards are those which characterize the Castelli Romani, even if the varieties’ percentage are different, and among the Trebbiano types there are the romagnoli and the Soave.

The cultivation methods are similar to those of the other areas; the same is true for the trends to convert the “tendone” with its rows, into “cordone speronato”, “cazenave” and “gouyot”. The vinification methods, characterized by those of the cooperative wine growers’ associations are realized generally through white wine production and the cooling of the fermentation. It is possible to produce sparkling wine with the denomination of origin. In the Colli Albani’s area there are not a lot of shops with stocks of vintage wines selling their products. In autumn there are a lot of “Fraschette”, a sort of local wine bars and old public houses.

The importance of the wine production in this area is marked also from the several frescos representing Bacchus within the palace “Locanda Martorelli” on the square of Ariccia. This public house hosted in the past a lot of artists, which went in Italy to travel the “Grand Tour” and to drink
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