DOC Territory> An Overview
Frascati D.O.C.

The production territory of the Frascati consists not only of the town of Frascati, from which derives its name, but also of the surroundings town of Grottaferrata, Monte Porzio Catone, a part of the district of Rome and Montecompatri. All these areas have identical geographical conditions and production methods.

The Frascati’s vineyards are characterized by Malvasia di Candia and by Trebbiano, even if recently there is a tendency to cultivate the vines’ types utilized in the past.

In the Frascati’s territory the vines are cultivated in rows or at tendone, even if there is a tendency to traditional cultivations, i.e. cazenave and gouyout, nearing the plants and diminishing the distance between rows. In this way, the vineyards are thicker, with a greater number of plants and characterized by a better quality.

The vinification of whites is more difficult than the red ones. Generally this type of wine is not aged. New technologies and machines and the stainless steel vats enabled to this wine to be free from those pathologies which determined a change in its colour and the oxygenation during transports. Its aging period and its transport has been gradually simplified and now Frascati is exported all around the world.

There are a lot of Wine-makers which export their product. If the wine “Frascati” suffers from globalization, locally however it is drunk at the “Fraschette”; these are a sort of public houses where in the past the producer was authorized to sell his product for a short period of time, until the branch of the tree utilized as sign was dry. To these public houses you can bring with you something to eat, such as small local doughnuts and the well-known “Pupazza”, biscuits baked in form of a doll with three breasts, two for milk and one for wine.

The “Frascati” is a white wine. It has an elegant and delicate taste and it is great as lunchtime drinking.
In addition to the “Frascati” and the “Frascati Superiore” there is the “Cannellino” wine. It is a dessert wine produced with the grapes of the Frascati’s vineyards, but only of those cultivated in sunny, sloping places, exposed to the South and characterized by volcanic soil, which is locally defined “terrinella”. The vineyards correspondent to these characteristics are denominated by local Wine-makers “pettorina”.
The grapes are picked in November when due to the particular climatic conditions they are attacked by the Botrytis Cinerea, a grey mildew which reduces the acidity while the withering of the batches reduces the sugar content and therefore it can be defined a “noble” mildew.
This sweet white wine has full bodied fragrance, and like other Frascati wines, is light and elegant and gives pleasure to the palate.

The name “Cannellino” originates from the easy how the wine flows out of the “cannella”, i.e. the barrel’s pipe.
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