Companies> Wine Farms
Azienda Vitivinicola e Agrituristica Boni Alfredo
Name and address
Azienda Vitivinicola e Agrituristica Boni Alfredo
Via delle Selve di Pallotta, 2
00040 Montecompatri (RM)
Phone. 06 9485740 - 9486833
Wine Farms
DOC area
Montecompatri-Colonna DOC Area
This company is located along the street Frascati-Colonna (km 4). It can be reached from the highway Roma-Napoli, slip-road Monte Porzio Catone.
It can be reached also from via Casilina, through via Fontana Candida (Finocchio), leading to the street Frascati-Colonna.
Opening time
This company, a rural house surrounded by vineyards is located on a hill from which there is a wonderful panorama of Rome. It can be reached from the street Frascati-Colonna, through an avenue lined with trees (about 100 metres).
Visitors can taste wine and oil and eat to the restaurant.
The restaurant, an ancient house with a vaulted ceiling in the past (XVI century) belonged to the Cardinal Pallotta. It has a wide, panoramic terrace, and during spring and summer it is a pleasure to see the huge pines from it.
Within the restaurant there is an entrance to a 300-meter-long cave, that can be visited. In the parking area there is enough space also for buses. There is also a space dedicated to childre.

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