Companies> Cellars
Cantine Colli di Catone S.r.l.
Name and address
Cantine Colli di Catone S.r.l.
Via Frascati, 31/33
00040 Monte Porzio Catone (RM)
Phone. 06 9449113 - 9449222
Fax 06 9448695
DOC area
Frascati DOC Area
Monte Porzio Catone
This company is easy to reach as it is located at a distance of 2 km from the slip-road Monte Porzio Catone of the highroad Roma-Napoli.
Opening time
From January to September, from Monday to Saturday. Only previous reservation.

Colle Gaio
100% Malvasia del Lazio.
Volcanic, reach in potassium, phosphorus and other microelements and an high concentration of minerals. Colle gaio consists of a single vineyards of 3 hectares, located north-east at an altitude of 400 m to the south of Rome. During summer the bunches are pruned to reduce production.
Vintage and vinification:
The bunches are harvested by hand and their maceration lasts 72 hours. The marc is softly pressed and slowly fermented at 12-14°C. The product is then matured in stainless steel silos and bottled just before the following vintage, preserving it in caves excavated in the rocks at a temperature of 15°C.
Annual production:
8000 bottles ca. and only in the best periods.

Organoleptic analysis:
Colour: pale yellow, which becomes more intense with maturation.
Scent: rich and prolonged with an herbaceous background.
Taste: full bodied, with a rich and complex structure. Hazelnut-like with a great persistence.

Perfect to drink cold, as aperitif; very good together with hors d'oeuvres, soups, white and roasted meat.

Villa Ari “Fiore di Malvasia”
100% Malvasia del Lazio.
Volcanic, reach in potassium, phosphorus and other microelements and an high concentration of minerals. The vineyards used are located at an altitude of 300-400 metres.
Vintage and vinification:
The bunches are harvested by hand, deprived of their grape stalks, and macerated at cold temperatures for some hours. The must "Mosto fiore" is divided from the mass and let to ferment at a controlled temperatura. The wine then matures in stainless steel silos, up to the bottling, at the end of march.

Organoleptic analysis:
Colour: pale yellow.
Scent: grapevines with a freshness of green leaves.
Taste: fresh, delicate with a good concentration of fruits, dry and persistent.

Slightly cold it is very good; perfect with hors d’oeuvres, fish, white meats and pasta. Also very good if drunk with Chinese and Thai cooking.

Frascati Superiore d.o.c. “Satinata”
Malvasia del Lazio e Malvasia di Candia.
Volcanic, reach in potassium, phosphorus and other microelements and an high concentration of minerals. The vineyards used are located at an altitude of 300-400 metres.
Vintage and vinification:
The bunches are macerated at a cold temperature 24 hours long then the marc is softly pressed. Their fermentation takes place at low temperatures (ca. 18° C). The wine is then fined in stainless steel silos and bottled non before the first week of march.

Organoleptic Analysis:
Colour: pale yellow.
Scent: rich, of grapevine, with a background of hazelnuts.
Taste: creamy and delicate with a taste of fruits and minerals that is typical of the Malvasia del Lazio.

Slightly fresh it is very good; perfect with hors d'oeuvres, pizza, toasts, white meats, fish, pasta and risottos. Very good if drunk with the Chinese cooking.


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